Do You Want To Sell Your Land? Are you looking for a fast, easy, hassle-free way to sell unwanted land for cash within the next 30 days? Did You Receive An Offer In The Mail To Purchase Your Vacant Land? Did you find this website in an offer letter we mailed you? Yes... the offer is real. We select an area based on our buying criteria, research public and 3rd party information and then mail offers directly to owners of vacant land. If you would like to accept our offer - simply sign and return the offer.
Your Offer Amount Will Be The Amount Of Your Check. Assuming there are no back taxes, delinquent property or homeowner association dues, mortgages, liens or anything unusual... your offer amount will be the amount of your cashier's check. We pay the closing costs so you don't have to. No Commissions - No Escrow Fees - No Title Insurance Fees - No Recording Fees - No Processing Fees An Easy Sale with Peace of Mind Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to sell us your land. For most sales we pay to hire an Arizona licensed escrow company like Pioneer Title or Fidelity National Title to make sure we get a clear title and you get your money. Using an escrow company allows us to complete the purchase of your land in approximately 30 days while improving everyone's peace of mind. 4 Easy Ways to Accept our Offer Today Sign the letter and mail it back. Sign the letter and fax it back. Sign the letter, scan it and email it back. Take a picture of the signed letter and text it back. |
Contact Us EZLandSale.net | PO Box 8341 | Tucson, AZ 85738 Phone: (520) 271-4650 | Fax: (520) 844-8146 | Email: sales@EZLandSale.net EZLandSale.net is a web presence for a group of private investors specializing in the purchase of unwanted vacant land. One of our investors is licensed to sell real estate in Arizona. This is NOT a solicitation to list your property for sale or an offer to purchase property listed for sale. If your property is currently listed for sale, please review your listing agreement as selling your property may result in you owing a commission to your real estate broker whether they otherwise participate in the sale or not. Privacy policy: Your information will only be used to complete any agreed upon real estate transaction. We never rent or sell your information. Copyright 2017 - 2021 EZLandSale.net |